Monday 14 January 2013

Advantages of using computer

The advantages of using computer(s) is that we can do research and find a lot of information we may be looking for. Other advantages include typing out a document, essay, letter, or a simple birthday card. We can communicate with our friends online and send them e-mails.
But there are disadvantages too... some people use computers in a bad way. Some people use computers to look at things that we aren't suppose to see. People can actually get personal information about you by tricking you to fill out applications that LOOK real but are NOT real at all. 
Well first advantage is getting closer to the world and whats happening around you. The disadvantages are Spam, Identity theft, Viruses that just takes all your data from your computer. and sometimes just shuts it off completely 

1. They allow people across the globe to communicate with each other, no matter at what time, via the use of email. 
2. They allow people to look up information directly, instead of the use of searching through books. 
3. Back-up copies of work can be made easily, without having to re-write everything. 
4. People can work from home, and spend more time with their families because of this. 
5. People with disabilities whom can't write, can get software that allows them to speak and it types it on the screen.
1. People somtimes spend all their time secluded ( separate) in theirs rooms on the computer. 
2. It allows the old way of learning (ex: handwriting) to be forgotten 
3. Easier to copy peoples homework as you can sometimes find the sources online.
4. Illegal downloading can ruin businesses 
5. Details such as bank records, can be hacked into, and thus your personal information is no longer as safe as it used to be. 

A computer can hold a lot of data in memory, do calculations, print out your documents and much more. The advantage of using a computer is also that you don't have to write out screeds of information. If your computer is on internet you can look up information using the search engine instead of having to go to a library and read lots of books and take notes. I cannot think of many disadvantages except perhaps if the hard drive crashes and you lose data. This is why it is always wise to back up (save) your data on a disc or second hard drive. 

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